Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Methadone Withdrawal Symptoms


Methadone is a known drug for your opioid addiction treatment and it is an approved medicine that helps you stay calm during an addiction recovery phase. But, it is an opioid and it can develop addiction also. If you suspect that you are getting addicted to methadone, consult with your doctor immediately. Norton Health Care is always with you whenever you need help. You can call us for the guide, and you will get the best solution for your health. We have branches in Norton Ma and Salem NH. Contact us for more details. 

The methadone withdrawal symptoms appear nearly 24 to 36 hours after the last dose of your methadone. You will also experience withdrawal symptoms when you lower the dose of the drugs. Our doctors are experienced enough to identify every symptom that tells you – it is a methadone withdrawal symptom.

We make pour patients well-inform about the drugs they are using for the addiction recovery. We make them aware of symptoms that may experience, and the benefits they get. This helps them make the right decision when anything wrong happens. When the opioid understanding is clear, patients can identify any odd situation and can act accordingly.

Here are some of the symptoms that denote your methadone withdrawal:

  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Frequent yawning
  • Runny nose
  • Watery eyes
  • Excessive sweating
  • Restlessness
  • Anxiety
  • Tiredness

Some symptoms can even get intense after three days, and they are:

  • Drug cravings
  • Depression
  • Cramps
  • Vomiting
  • Intense nausea
  • Goosebumps
  • Muscle pains

You must consult a doctor when you experience severe withdrawal symptoms. Don’t try to alter the doses of the medicine as per your choice. It can make the situation worse. We have experienced doctors who can offer medicines to taper off the withdrawal symptoms. 

Some symptoms like depression, low energy level, and difficulty in sleeping are very common and they will stay with you for a longer period up to a week. Some patients can successfully get rid of methadone when they are on methadone based MAT treatment. However, some need to retain their treatment to combat the difficult phase.

When you experience methadone symptoms, consult with our experienced suboxone doctors. Norton Health Care is always open for your treatment. We have branches in Norton MA and Salem NH. Our doctors will help you taper off your methadone dose more slowly so that you can avoid the symptoms and can feel better.

Our Suboxone doctors will analyze your situation and offer the best treatment for your health. If they think, they suggest you return the old treatment to make you feel calm. You will also be given medicine for withdrawal.

Norton Health Care offers the best health treatment solution. Contact Norton Health Care and consult with our suboxone doctors

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